Name: Dr. Nico Declercq
Position: Tenured Associate Professor
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Food: He doesn’t have one but he recommends that the GTL students try food from the south of France.
Interests/Hobbies: Spending time with his family
Educational Institutions: Ghent University, Belgium, 2005 – PhD in Engineering Physics; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 2000- Master’s in Astrophysics; Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, 1996- Bachelors in Astrophysics
Dr. Declercq teaches thermodynamics this semester at Georgia Tech-Lorraine. He has taught at both the Lorraine campus and the Atlanta Campus teaching dynamics courses. Dr. Declercq is also doing research into ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation of materials and acoustics here at Georgia Tech-Lorraine. During the weekends he travels back to Brussels to be with his family.
Some advice imparted by Dr. Declercq was that GTL students should travel but they should also make studying a priority as well.