A Snapshot of a Short Week 

Written by Katherine Sanders

My first and smallest class, Multivariable Calculus, starts at 8:30 am. While I consider myself punctual, I was twenty minutes late today. I woke up well rested, but freaked out as I noticed how light it was outside. I ran around my room to get ready ten minutes before my class started. This class has six people in it, and although oddly small, all GTE classes are small. With classes like this, there’s no room for tardiness, absence or confusion.  

It takes about ten minutes to get from the Lafayette dorms to the GTE building. I take the rocky, muddy route as a shortcut. I scan my International Student card at the gate and the front door before walking up two stories to the second floor. The classes at GTE are labeled by color, and my calculus class is in the yellow room. The tables have yellow legs. The chairs are yellow. The door is yellow and was open for my late arrival.  

Still feeling a lingering embarassment, I needed something to warm me up. Maddie and I headed to the lounge to get coffee after class. On average, I probably consume 200-500mg of caffeine a day. Sometimes I have a Monster in the morning with a cup of coffee, or I’ll have two to three cups of coffee (only two from the provided canister, I swear.)  

My next class was a lab for CS 2110: Computer Organization and Programming. I brace myself for this hour. Due to the small enrollment, twelve people, and the hands-on nature of the lab, students are chosen to complete problems at random. I can’t say I know my classmates well enough to feel comfortable making a stupid mistake in front of them. This pressures me to understand the content thoroughly enough to avoid embarrassment. 2110 is a notoriously difficult class with the content spanning a wide range of subjects. When a new topic is introduced, our class has to grasp on quickly in order to answer questions correctly.  

This is my first time experiencing cold calling. I’m not used to my professors and TAs knowing who I am, let alone caring that I understand the content. My punishment for skipping lectures or not thoroughly understanding content was always seen in my grades, never through word of mouth. My concern isn’t just on my final letter grade anymore, but on how I’m viewed in the eyes of my professors. Due to this, I have performed better in my classes this semester compared to others, but I’m definitely more tense in each one.  

The lounge fades in between hectic and dead silent. Maddie and I arrived when it was hectic. We sat, working on our homework, hearing excerpts of conversations about Frankfurt, Prague and Chamonix. Usually, it’s a mix of stories from the past weekend or the prospects of the coming one. I admittedly eavesdrop and compare our trips with theirs. We also missed our train this past weekend. I grow anxious when the topic of the coming weekend is discussed. I hate how short our weeks in Metz are. They come and go too quickly.  

As soon as Baran returns to the lounge, we head to Crous Cafeteria. The seating dynamic is too emotional: a small room of tables and chairs with big groups of high schoolers. After getting our food, we head into the seating area with the French high schoolers. It’s a search to find empty spaces that will fit three or more of us. Sometimes, enjoyable conversation flows endlessly. Some weave through conversation but never hold on. Most of the time this happens on Monday, a time to debrief everyone’s weekends. As the week goes on, conversation grows more deliberative and prepatory between the three of us. We must choose a train, hostel, day plan, etc. for the coming and following weekend.  

Back at the lounge, Maddie and I worked on our CS 2110 homework. Most everyone at GTE takes four classes, and almost all of those classes either have homework due on Tuesday or Wednesday night. I try to start my homework before we leave for the weekend, but end up truly starting on Monday morning. My weeks are filled with homework because of this, but compared to the six other options, Wednesday is the best due date.  

After our 3:30 pm Statistics class, Maddie and I headed back to our dorms to clean, eat dinner and finish up homework. This time is sometimes used for grocery runs or laundry, but rarely is there time for a trip into Metz. I hope one week I can finish up my chores early in the week so I can explore Metz again.  

I worked on my statistics homework before starting one of my odd dorm workouts. Before I arrived in Metz, I weight trained eight to twelve hours a week. I worked with heavy weights and was building muscle rapidly. Now, a gym membership at BasicFit here seems useless to me. I would only use it four times a week at most, and the time spent getting there, working out and coming back would take up too much of my time. That leaves me with resistance bands, a chair and my backpack in my room. I often reminisce on my old routine. I miss going to a commercial gym and working out on machines, but the change hasn’t burdened me. It’s only temporary.  

These days tend to fizzle out. Maddie, Baran and I hung out for a little before heading to bed. I tried to go to bed early in order to wake up for class tomorrow. As I laid in bed working on homework, Zach started a FaceTime call on our groupchat with Maddie. We joined the call in our pitch-black rooms. In Atlanta, it was 6 pm and the sky was blue. Zach walked back from the gym and described his past week–a Grammy’s watching party, spending hours at the CRC and times with his friends.  

“Sorry, I forgot how late it was like, 11 pm there. I’ll call you guys tomorrow,” he says.  

Anticipating and Adjusting to Life in Metz

Written by Katherine Sanders

Two of my friends returned to Atlanta for the fall semester with stories from their time abroad. Both had gone to France for a summer semester, Zach in Metz and Lilly in Lyon. I loved hearing about their travels. From Charli XCX DJ sets to sunbathing in the south of France, the stories excited me. By the time I returned to Atlanta in August, my friends knew I was leaving for Metz that Spring. Some had advice for living in Europe while others had recommendations for travel. 

My friends Maddie and Baran both expressed interest in going to Georgia Tech-Europe in the spring of their sophomore year, so we all planned to go together. Baran was adamant we plan every weekend ahead of time. We created a Google Doc with a list of every weekend. Slowly, we assigned each weekend a travel destination. 

If someone asked where I would go in Europe, I pulled up our Google Doc on my phone and flipped it around. Initially, they would gawk, warning me that I would become exhausted. I understand the concern. However, I usually responded with “Probably, but we can figure that out when we get to that point.” 

These conversations came with advice I found entertaining and useful. 

“Germans think Americans are really funny, even if you aren’t trying to be.” 

“Sightseeing in Spain is beautiful until your phone gets stolen.” 

“Ask for a pitcher of water rather than a glass of water in France.” 

These conversations also brought some critiques from what weather would look like, or how long it would take to get to our travel destinations. At some point I wanted to ask, “why can’t you let me suffer on my own?” It was hard to keep all of the conflicting warnings straight, so I opted to make my own mistakes. I wanted most of my journey to come from my own accord, or at least from a place so deep down I can’t see who shaped it.

For so long, I avoided talking about studying abroad to stay present in my first semester, but when I landed in Montana, I couldn’t keep my mind off of France. As I made my lunch, I thought about the foods I would eat. As I went to the gym, I thought about how I would continue weight training. What skin care items would local stores provide? Could I find my favorite snacks? Despite my worries, I was interested in arriving so I could discover the answers to my questions. 

The first two weeks in Metz were exciting and exploratory. Students are given a studio apartment to live in with a personal bathroom and kitchenette*. The kitchenette provides a stove and microwave with an assortment of cooking pans and utensils. The interiors of the apartment buildings are completely monochrome: lime green, red, orange, and yellow. It’s eerily similar to Squid Game.

The GTE building is the size of a small high school, and the environment is similar to one. I usually see the same groups of people in my classes and in the cafeteria. Breakfast and coffee are provided in the lounge every morning. The lounge is where you can find students studying, playing pool, or practicing piano. Lunch is also provided by the school but is through the neighboring high school. Just like high school, you grab a tray and slide down, receiving a plate and side to go sit with the high schoolers in their own cafeteria. The process brings a special case of nostalgia. 

Although I am grateful for the opportunity to travel and live in the center of Europe, I can’t say I don’t miss home. Finding reasoning is useless when all the “bad” comes with infinite good, so I’ll say I’ve come down with a case of homesickness. I try to find hints of familiarity in Metz every day. Maybe the cold nips in the same way it did when I walked around campus late at night. I took a walk late last night around Lac Symphonie, and I can’t say it feels like North Avenue. Soon, this new norm will settle into place, and these cold foggy mornings will feel more friendly.

*Dorm situations vary between Fall/Spring and Summer semesters at GTE

An Auspicious Arrival: Week One In Europe

Written by Matteo Ruffo

The Arrival

Before heading back to school, I imagine everyone’s feelings are the same: new ambitions, a plethora of excitement, and plenty of anxiety. When you are about to embark on a study abroad, all of those emotions increase tenfold. There is fear, there is change, but above all, there is the grandeur of exploring new places, meeting new people, and experiencing different cultures — a sensation that cannot be done justice by description alone. You must experience it.

After my previous study abroad experience in Barcelona, my excitement drastically increased for this one, but tendrils of uncertainty remained. What if Metz underwhelmed? What if the classes were backbreaking, what if the people were unfriendly? As for the trips, how would I manage? My semester in Spain had spoiled me: despite being just outside of Barcelona, I was provided with quick and easy access to a world-class airport. From Metz, the commute to Paris’ or Luxembourg’s airports would be hefty, and trains would be the preferred mode of mid-distance transportation. How would I travel? Where would I go? How would I budget myself? Yet as I lifted off on my flight from New York to Frankfurt, these questions and doubts faded into obscurity. All of my worries seemed to be far away- I was headed on a new journey, and there was nothing to lose. Adventure awaits those bold enough to take a leap of faith; and any study abroad experience is a leap of faith. I was determined to make the most of what Metz had in store for me.

Any first day can be expected to have its issues. From canceled flights, to missing shuttles, to misplaced luggage, and finally to racing through Frankfurt’s airport, we certainly had ours. After landing, I managed to meet up with some Tech students at an elevator in the airport. Together, we slowly but surely found our way through the airport, made it to our shuttle, and embarked to the Lafayette dorms next to GT-Europe’s campus. I personally fell asleep immediately after entering my room; we were all jet-lagged, all exhausted. It had taken most students nearly an entire day to arrive at GT-Europe; for others, whose flights got canceled or delayed, it took upwards to 40 hours. My trip was fine, however; I had no issues with luggage, and my flight was quiet and uneventful, and I was thankful to be so lucky.

Campus Life & Metz Impressions

Campus itself is slightly outside of the city, but a quick bus ride, provided with our unlimited bus pass*, can get you into Metz quickly and comfortably. My first true experience with Metz was short, but interesting nevertheless. I went into the city with a few friends, and after meeting up with more students, we walked to the Cathedral of Metz, had kebab at one of the cities many kebab spots, and enjoyed the greenery and light that combined to give a breezy, sparkling atmosphere to the city at night.

The dorms themselves are small, but private. You will have no roommates at GT-Europe**, but you will be right next to tons of students who are just as anxious and willing to make new friends as you, so meeting people is easy. A big closet, plenty of shelf space, and plenty of cabinets line the apartment, and a twin bed with provided linens rests next to a window. The school provides you a Eurail pass*, free unlimited Metz bus pass*, and cafeteria pass*, as well as your European student ID: elsewise, it’s really up in the air as to what you get in your room. Maybe you’ll get some utensils, maybe some bowls, maybe some pots and pans. If you’re really lucky, you’ll get a fan. Nobody got a trashcan or trash bags this semester, so half of us went to Cora to purchase some, and the other half waited until the donated supplies exchange to obtain theirs. Overall, however, the most difficult day is the first day – the unpacking, the purchasing of groceries and supplies, the meeting new people and acclimating to your new surroundings. No difficult exam or nerve wracking presentation can ever live up to the pressure of the first day; but we survived, and set ourselves up for a wonderful semester to come.

Lafayette Dorm Room (left), GTE Building Lobby (right)

The campus and dorms are separated by a roundabout lined with trees and vegetation, and a nearby lake is surrounded by soccer fields, outdoor gyms, and student centers, as well as the actual GT-Europe campus itself. Classes are divided into color coordinated rooms on four levels of the GT-Europe building: a cubic, paned-glass building that resembles a Rubix cube at first glance. Most of the classes can seat upwards to 50 students if need be, but none of my classes have more than 15 students, making for a tight-knit classroom culture that allows us not only to get to know each other, but also for the professor to get to know us more than just on a superficial level. Laundry is quick and easy; bed sheets and linens can be exchanged for clean versions every week, and the washing machines are within the dorm buildings and very easy to access. Groceries of any sort can be found at the nearby grocery stores of Auchan or Cora, and an assortment of restaurants dot the area around campus: such as Mamma Mia Pizza, a pizza place that specializes in sprinkling olives on their pizzas, a Southern barbeque place that reminds me of a parody combination of Whataburger, Wingnuts, and J.R. Crickets from the outside, and of course, a McDonalds. Ultimately, I prefer to venture into the city if I am eating out, as there are so many food options to be discovered in just one walk through the city.

Orientation came and went without a hitch: classes started, and the jet lag which had plagued us replaced itself with a new familiarity to the environment we were in. I took the next few days to get to know everyone, clean my dorm, and of course, plan the first of my many trips: nearby Belgium and Luxembourg. And so, our GT-Europe trip begins: starting with the Green City of Metz.

Until then, this is Matteo Ruffo, signing off.

*Subject to change by semester. Please check GTE website for most up to date information.

**Subject to change by semester and student choice of dorms. 

A Season of Firsts

Written by Cate McCoy

First Days

Although I’m already halfway through my third week at GT-Europe, it feels like it was just yesterday that I landed in Frankfurt and boarded the shuttle to Metz. A lot has happened since then, like exploring Paris, trying escargot (and liking it), learning a lot of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, and falling severely behind on my travel journaling. But that’s all for another time; for now, I want to go back and reflect on my first few days at GTE, starting with my arrival in Metz!

Once I got off the shuttle and checked into my dorm, I lugged my suitcases up the two flights of stairs to my room. My living space is a studio-style dorm in Crous Technopole that includes a bedroom, bathroom, and kitchenette. All the necessities were provided, including bedding, kitchenware, and some travel-sized toiletries. The building is close to campus and located near the lake; although living in the downtown Metz area would be fun, I’ve been super grateful for my short walk/bike to class (especially since I tend to sleep late!).  

After unpacking, I met up with a friend and walked to Cora, the nearby grocery store. Our shopping experience was humbling, as we were unable to read any of the labels and had to depend on Google Translate—at least we were providing entertainment to the other shoppers! Finally, after at least an hour spent wandering around the store trying to find everything, we checked out and headed back to the lake near our dorms. We sat by the water and ate our newly purchased baguettes, along with some meat, cheese, and olives. The area by the lake is beautiful and full of wildflowers and birds; while sitting, we watched a swan land on the water and spotted a heron perched in a tree. It was the perfect end to my first night in France.

The next morning, I walked to orientation feeling jetlagged and nervous. I came into the program only knowing a few people, so I was anxious about the social aspects of the day. Luckily, most of my peers were feeling the exact same way, and these shared nerves allowed us to quickly connect. Orientation involved a campus tour, presentations in the auditorium, and lunch; afterwards, we were thrown right into classes. It was a long and draining day, but I was left with a good idea of how the semester would look, which relieved my nerves and gave me more confidence.

For the rest of the first week, I continued to settle in. Classes picked up quickly, but I’m lucky to have formed valuable friendships with several of my peers. We’ve quickly developed a daily routine together, which involves getting lunch at the cafeteria and doing schoolwork in the student lounge before class, while taking breaks to discuss travel plans and book train tickets for the weekends.

First Impressions

Now that I’m through the beginning stages of the semester, I’ve had enough time to recognize the notable challenges and successes that I experience during my day-to-day life at GTE.

A main challenge I’ve experienced so far involves food. The cafeteria, Crous Resto U’ Technopole, is open during the school week, but only for two hours during lunchtime. While that covers one meal of the day, we’re left to fend for ourselves for the other two. I’ve been cooking in my kitchenette, but it’s made difficult by the fact that I have one pot, one pan, and no microwave or oven. I’m hesitant to buy more kitchenware since I’m unable to bring it home with me at the end of the summer. Because of these limitations, I often find myself hungry during the school week, a challenge that my friends have also expressed facing. Luckily, there are plenty of solutions to the problem that I plan to implement, such as making a list of staple meals I can prepare in my kitchen and planning my meals for the week.

Regarding school, each class is just under two hours, and the curriculum is presented at an accelerated pace to fit it all into the term; it’s difficult to absorb that much information every day. Despite this, the workload is manageable, and I’ve found that this is largely due to the small class sizes of the program. My classes each have around 15-40 students, which allows me to have more personal relationships with my peers and professors, while also making it easier to ask questions mid-lecture. I believe that this has improved my understanding of the curriculum and is a huge benefit of the program.

Finally, and most exciting of all, travel has been a major aspect of my experience at GTE. I’ve made it to Paris, Strasbourg, and Luxembourg, and am looking forward to exploring Amsterdam this upcoming weekend. While travel can often present many challenges, my friends and I have been lucky to have smooth-sailing trips so far. I could have filled this entire post with travel stories, but I wanted to instead use it to share my honest first impressions of the GT-Europe program, along with my initial thoughts and experiences. Even with the occasional obstacle, these past three weeks have been incredible, and I’ve surprised myself with how confident and independent I feel despite being in an unfamiliar environment. Not only will I leave France with new memories, friends, and knowledge, but also with a newfound understanding of myself that I’ll carry with me for the rest of my life.

Thanks for tuning in. See you next week!

Mundanities: The Dreaded Dishes

Written by Valerie

Eating is a fundamental part of human existence. Believe it or not, students attending Georgia Tech-Europe must cook for themselves. Hypothetically speaking, you could avoid cooking and buy all your meals, but that would undeniably be very expensive to do for the entire semester. Alternatively, you could be like one of my new friends on campus and try your very best to live off items strictly located in the snack aisle of the grocery store. However, I recommend going grocery shopping. 

In this week’s post, we will be covering the second topic in my “Mundanities” series: the dreaded dishes. I’ll cover everything you need to know about this basic activity, so you have all the information necessary to make your life easier. I know doing the dishes seems pretty self- explanatory and it is probably not a new task for the majority of you. However, the living situation at Georgia Tech-Europe might be a completely distinct dynamic from something you have experienced before. 

One thing that I didn’t know about the Lafayette dorms is that every generation of residents leaves their dishes in the cabinets for the next group of residents. It is almost like a fun game of seeing who got left with what kitchen utensils since everyone has a different collection of things. Regardless of what you inherited from the previous resident; it will more than likely be a small quantity. For example, I have a pair of forks, a pair of knives, and a single spoon. Since we all live alone in our dorms, there really isn’t a need for a large quantity of every piece of kitchenware. However, when it comes down to the practicality of not having a large quantity of dishes to work with, it is definitely more inconvenient. This is because every time you cook, you nearly use all the dishes you have at your disposal. This means you have to make sure everything is clean because you won’t be able to make anything else once you get hungry again. 

In one sense, this is a good thing. Constantly making sure you have all your dishes clean at all times pushes you to have a well-kept kitchen. With our busy schedule as students, sometimes it’s hard to keep up with the household chores. They are the easiest and least pressing items on your to-do list, so logically, these activities often get neglected. However, maintaining a clean kitchen is a proactive way to cultivate an efficient studying and living environment. 

When Days Off Are a Bad Thing

Written by Valerie

After I came back from Barcelona, I started to feel a little tickle in my throat. That little tickle developed into a cold with a cough that I had for about a week, give or take. It didn’t exactly come as a surprise when you consider how many people we came into contact with to make the trip. We had to take two buses, two high-speed trains, two planes, and the metros in Barcelona and Paris. I also have to take into consideration that now is the time when the seasons are changing. As summer transitions into fall, the leaves start to change color, the breeze gets cooler, and the germs begin to spread. I wasn’t alone in my moment of illness — there were a handful of other students at GTE that felt the same way. I decided the best thing for me and my health was to stay in my apartment while my group of friends traveled to Berlin for the weekend.

I know what you’re all thinking. Yes of course there were a couple of moments where I felt like I was missing out. I missed out on bonding moments with friends, experiencing a new culture, and the sights Germany has to offer, but that is only if you think about what I gave up. If you think about what I gained, then it starts to look different. I thought the weekend was going to feel so painfully long since I was going to spend those days without any social interaction, but I actually enjoyed it. Some time to yourself is important every once in a while, especially in an environment like the one a Georgia Tech campus cultivates. So much time during the weekdays is devoted to attending classes, doing homework, and studying that any time you have leftover is spent cooking and cleaning. When the weekend arrives, you pack up your travel bag and hit the trains for whatever journey you are embarking on. As you can begin to see, life can get pretty fast-paced around here. It is too easy to get wrapped up in the routine that self-care, along with the status of your living space, can slip through the cracks of your tight schedule.

Sick days or days off for students are typically always something we enjoy. Personally, even if I was sick and had to stay home, under all that congestion and painful headaches would be my joy for not having to be at school and/or work. I can’t speak for everyone when I say that, but I think we can all agree on our appreciation for days off whether it is for holidays or assigned vacation days. However, under my current circumstances, breaks from traveling and the busy life of a student studying abroad in Europe are typically not by choice. Whether you stay in because of a cold, to save money, or another personal reason, remember that it can be a positive experience if you want it to be.

Mundanities: Laundry

Written by Valerie

Before having gone abroad myself, my initial thoughts surrounding the concept were always the same. I thought it was glamorous. How could it not be? A bunch of young adults living in another country together while being full-time students during the weekdays and full-time travelers on the weekends sounds almost cinematic. While this remains a reality about studying abroad, other key aspects are just as important a part of the life of a student abroad.

While you are not in your dorm room and somewhere outside your current country of residence, there is mundaneness awaiting your attention when you get back: those everyday household activities that some of us go to great lengths to avoid while others of us choose to do when we want to procrastinate our homework. Nevertheless, I’m here to talk about what tackling some of those chores looks like while attending Georgia Tech Europe in a multiple-part series about the mundane activities during life inside the dorm. Keep in mind the following information is solely based on my opinion and everyone’s experience is different.

Let’s start the series with the topic of laundry. I think I can say with utmost certainty that laundry day is the most dreadful of the chores on campus. There is no way out of it either — you must have clean clothes. Considering we could only bring as much as we could drag through the airport, we must all be outfit repeaters. Once the laundry basket fills up, it’s time to prepare for laundry day. In the residence building most of us are staying in, called Lafayette, there is a laundry room on the ground floor that everyone shares. This room has three washing machines, three dryers, and a little machine against the wall where you pay. A single load in the washer costs 3€ and a load in the dryer costs 1€. In total, this amounts to 4€ or $4.20 in US dollars according to the current currency exchange rate. However, if you are like me and can’t bring yourself to mix your colors with your whites, then you must do a second load in the washer, but it will still likely all fit in the dryer. However, the dryers are a little different than the ones in the United States. My professor called it “European dry” which is the term used to express how the dryers in Europe leave the clothes damp after the cycle is over. To tackle this, most Europeans use drying racks or clotheslines outside their home. The hot European sun handles the rest. However, we live in an apartment-style building that does not have access to outdoor clotheslines. So, the only options for you as students are to either buy a drying rack from the local store, put your clothes in the dryer as many times as needed, or decorate your room with your clothes until they dry. The drying rack in the local French version of a Walmart is 25€. This seemed a little pricey to me considering it will likely not fit all of my clothes on it anyway, so I simply do anywhere between two and three loads in the dryer depending on how many clothes I stuff in there. This seemed like the best option to me because then I could put all my clothes away immediately instead of having clothes spread around for a couple of days.

I hope this helps all the future students looking to study abroad here at Georgia Tech. Stay tuned for the next topic about household duties in the dorm.

How to Deal with Getting Sick at GTL

Written by Lillian

Friday, September 16th 2022

One of the worst things that can happen to you while Georgia Tech Lorraine is get sick. The stress of Georgia Tech classes and traveling every weekend paired with France’s colder temperatures approaching easily leads to sickness. This past weekend, I traveled to the German and Austrian Alps, and the weather was not cooperating at all. The entire weekend brought icy rain and bone chilling wind— something I was not prepared for. The single rain jacket I brought with me was definitely not enough. 

An Austrian Apfelstrudel from a Hutte: small hotels and restaurants located on the top of mountains. The only way to access it is to hike to it. It was super delicious, too bad the journey got me sick…

I got back to Metz with the sniffles, which slowly turned into a sneeze and a cough, which then turned into fever over the course of the week. The first thing I did was conduct a rapid test for COVID, and thankfully I was negative. However, since my room offers no temperature control and the only air circulation is provided by a single window being opened and closed, it was very hard to heal from a simple cold. If you got caught up in the same situation that I did, here are some recommendations to avoid becoming sick and how to get better:

Pharmacies: In France, you cannot purchase drugs at the supermarket. Instead, you have to go to devoted stores called Pharmacies to purchase these items. You can always recognize them via their green crosses. There is one in CORA, and the attendees are super nice and will have a high chance of speaking English! They have everything from ibuprofen and cough medicine to specialized cushioned shoes.

Pharmacie in CORA. Pharmacies always have the distinctive green cross, found all over Europe.

GTL Nurse: GTL has a nurse that visits the campus once a week for free consultation for all students. If you are unsure of the prescription that you would need at the pharmacies, make sure to talk to the nurse beforehand!

Masks: The only good thing to come out of COVID is that wearing face masks is more normalized. Help protect your fellow students by wearing face masks whenever you leave your room to go to the pharmacy.

Setting boundaries: One way to prevent getting sick is to set boundaries when traveling. Instead of leaving after class on Thursday and getting back to campus Monday morning before all of your classes start, give yourself time to recover before and after traveling. A lot of students will push themselves to maximize the amount of time traveling, but remember that train sleep is not the best type of sleep. The bumps and interesting temperature ranges trains can have make it very hard to sleep peacefully. By extension, overnight trains are not always the best solution especially if there are shorter ones during the day. Always give yourself at least 8 hours to sleep every day that is not on a train, and it will make you feel much better.

Linen Swap

Tuesday, November 23, 2021 | Written by Mira

Every other Tuesday, we have a “Linen Swap” and every other week I think wow, it seems like we just had a linen swap.

 Pros of Linen Swap:

  •     We get clean sheets every other week.
  •     We don’t have to wash our own sheets.

 Cons of Linen Swap:

  •     I spend about 30 minutes every other week unmaking and remaking my bed.

 On linen swap days, I have to mentally prepare myself for the task ahead. First, I strip my bed. I always wait until we have confirmation of linen swap on the specific day because the 1 (ONE) time I stripped my bed in the morning was the 1 (ONE) time linen swap was postponed. The three things included in a linen swap are the pillowcase, the flat sheet, and the duvet cover. From the people I’ve talked to about the linen swap, I might be the only person who actually stuffs the duvet into the duvet cover. A lot of people just lay everything on top of each other. I find that the duvet cover is more comfortable than the duvet itself, so that may be why my linen swap process is such an ordeal. 

 Stripping the bed isn’t the bad part, but we need to fold the sheets before bringing them to be swapped out. From personal experience, the duvet cover – my personal nemesis – is heavy! Trying to fold the duvet cover neatly is a feat in and of itself. Since I’m not quite 5 feet tall, the duvet cover is much longer than I am which makes the process quite difficult. 

 Once our sheets are folded, we can bring them to the common room of Lafayette. Due to COVID restrictions, we are limited to one person at a time in the common room. We place our neatly folded sheets in a laundry bag and collect our new sheets. It’s pretty simple and is usually the fastest part of the whole process for me. After returning to my room, I place the new sheets on a chair in my room, and take a deep breath before starting my mission: Operation Make My Bed.

 * deep breath * Commencing Operation Make My Bed

First is the flat sheet. This is our “fitted sheet.” It is supposed to go directly on the mattress, and it’s what we sleep on so we aren’t directly touching the mattress. However, my bed is a little wider since I have the wheelchair accessible room, but my sheets are the same as all the others… which means my flat sheet is always slights too narrow to wrap my mattress neatly. I can usually wrap it under the top and bottom of the mattress, but it just rests on the sides. (I have woken up to many mornings of my flat sheet being completely pulled to one side of the mattress.)

 Getting the flat sheet under the top of the mattress is also a feat, and usually involves some moving of the mattress itself.

Next is my least favorite part: fitting the duvet in the cover. As I mentioned, my bed is a little wider than what the sheets are designed for, and that extends to my duvet. My duvet is slightly wider than the duvet cover, and it’s not a perfect square. I lay my duvet on the floor next to my bed and count how many diamonds are in which direction (one side has three and the other has four). This helps me orient the duvet in the cover, but the cover is too narrow for the actually duvet and the edges are always a little squished.

 Counting with my feet how many diamonds are in which direction.

Opening the duvet cover is tricky because the two sides are usually stuck together. Also since it’s too narrow, I try to starfish my body over the duvet, pulling it to the corners as best as possible, but it’s never a perfect fit.

 The hardest part is getting the duvet inside the cover.

The duvet and cover are longer than my mattress, so I’m able to tuck it under the mattress which definitely helps my daily bed making process be as easy as possible.

 When I transfer the duvet onto the bed, it usually undoes part of the fitted sheet, which only makes the process longer.

Third is the pillowcases, my reward for the whole duvet operation. Super easy since the pillows are square and match the square pillowcases. Lastly, I add the finishing touch of my fleece blanket (not included in the room, but I definitely recommend investing in one for the colder months). All done!

 The finished product makes it all worth it.

This whole process takes me about half an hour, but I did hit a personal best of 17 minutes to make my bed. We have about two more linen swaps for me to improve my personal best, wish me luck!

Living Alone and Doing Chores

Thursday, October 7, 2021 | Written by Mira

I’ve never lived alone before this semester. The closest I have gotten to that is spending last winter break by myself in a 6-person on-campus apartment, but that was only two weeks in total. As a self-aware introvert, I was very excited by the idea of having my own space. While most GTL students live in the same apartment complexes, we each get a studio apartment, with our own kitchenette and bathroom. After spending a little more than a month here, I have finally settled into a housekeeping/chores schedule.

  1.  Laundry: The entire Lafayette residence (GTL students and other college students in the area) share one laundry room which includes exactly three washers and three dryers. I learned on campus in Atlanta that the best way to avoid laundry frustrations is to get it done at unusual times, like Monday mornings. The Monday morning laundry schedule still applies here, thankfully, but please don’t share my secret! My first class starts at 11am, so that’s the perfect amount of time to wake up, throw my clothes in the washer (for three euros and 28 minutes), make and enjoy my French-pressed coffee, go back to the laundry room to grab my clothes, and spread everything out around my room to dry. The “European dry” dryers here, are not worth the one euro and forty minutes that have your clothes go from wet to slightly less wet. After I spread my clothes around my room to dry, hanging them off the desk, nightstands, and chairs, it is still early enough in the morning to go grocery shopping.

    Proof that no one does laundry on Monday mornings (time stamp: 8:33am)
  2. Grocery Shopping: The Lafayette residence is close to two grocery stores: Auchan and Cora. On Monday evenings, GTL sponsors a shuttle back from Cora, but I have class during this time, so I usually end up going to Auchan on Monday mornings. After doing my laundry, I grab some tote bags, throw on my headphones, and turn on a podcast. The roundtrip (to Auchan, shopping, and back) usually lasts the whole podcast, and I have just enough time to unpack my purchases before heading to GTL for class.

    Monday morning walk to Auchan.

3. Cleaning Dishes: One thing I enjoy about living alone is that you don’t have to worry about others leaving dishes in the sink. One thing I dislike about living alone is that there’s no pressure to do the dishes right away. I try my best, but I must admit I keep myself accountable only half the time. I’m trying to get better about doing my dishes as soon as I get them dirty, but as I sit here writing about my dish-washing routine, last night’s dishes are piled in the sink… but I’ll get to them later, when I need to make dinner tonight.

4. The Junk Drawer: I love memorabilia. At my parents’ house, I have boxes full of movie tickets, airplane tickets, museum maps, etc. My personality studying abroad is no different. Why do I need to save my Paris metro train tickets? My Frankfurt Botanical Gardens ticket? The map of my canal cruise in Amsterdam? For the memories. The memorabilia had been piling up on my desk for a while, but with my first physics test came my first tabletop declutter… which meant finding a drawer to put everything in. At least now my things aren’t visible, but the junk drawer is an ever-growing beast.

Good luck to December me who will have to sift through this mess.

5. General Cleaning: Whenever I would leave my room at my parents’ house for extended periods of time, I always try to clean it to the best of my abilities which involves making my bed, clearing surfaces, and vacuuming the floor, as best I can. (Mom and Dad, if you’re reading this and my room at home is currently a mess… I’m sorry.) I did all this so that when I returned, I would walk in my room exhausted from whatever I was coming back from (a summer internship or a semester at Tech), and see my bed made, room clean and be able to thank past me for not making current me make my bed. I’ve tried to continue this tradition here, so before I leave for a weekend adventure, I make sure to clean the floors, do whatever lingering dishes are left in the sink, clean the bathroom, make my bed, put away any clothes that were left out from drying.