Written by Andre Grossberg
Hey! This is Andre, your GTE blogger reporting in for the last time! Sorry my blog is a little late; I was sick for a bit and then had to lock in for finals, but I wanted to be sure to get in my last blog before the start of the fall semester.
That was one helluva semester! I am writing this final blog sitting on the couch in my parent’s house and cannot believe it’s already over. I’ve been reflecting on my travels now that I have gotten a chance to rest and finally eat buffalo wings with ranch again. What I have decided I want to talk about for this blog is the goal of cherishing every moment.
This really struck me after my last crazy day in Paris (of course I can’t have a normal day anywhere). The story goes that after finishing my finals, I wanted to get in one last day in Paris before I went home. So, I woke up at 5 am Thursday morning to get the first train out. The only plan I actually had was to see the Olympic rings in front of the Eiffel Tower and go present shopping for my family.
First thing upon arrival I decided to check out the Eiffel Tower. I noticed some people taking photos of their clothing with the brand “Seek Discomfort,” from the popular YouTube channel Yes Theory. As a big fan, I came over and introduced myself asking if they were fans of the channel like me. Turns out they work for the channel and were doing a photoshoot for their new merchandise in front of the Eiffel Tower. They then asked me… yes goofy lookin ME, if I wanted to join the photoshoot. I dumbfoundedly accepted so they put a shirt on me, and I proceeded to be a part of their merchandise shoot for the next few hours. I had the wonderful opportunity to meet and get to know the team, and I really tried to learn about them as people. From really trying to take in the moment, I got to learn why the people I look up to do what they do!

Later in the day I found myself at an outdoor mall and spotted a small skateboard course with a half-pipe (if you also remember I love skateboarding too!). I walked over and asked the people in front of the course what the program was, and it turned out they were offering free skate classes. I asked if I could sign up and they said sure, you can take the class in 40 minutes. I then found myself with a helmet on my head, a skateboard at my feet, in this impromptu skating class in the middle of Paris. While this was super fun, I then was told that the Adidas skate team was performing later that night at the course. I decided to come back later in the day. The skaters were, of course, incredible, and I even got to meet the founder of the skate brand “What it Isn’t”, Mark Gonzales, and a blind professional skater, Dan Mancina, both who I am BIG fans of. As you could expect, I was freaking out the whole time, but I took the time to slow down and love every moment of meeting exciting people and skating with strangers!

Anyways, to wrap up why I am sharing these silly stories, the last thing I thought I was going to do that day was be in a photoshoot for a famous YouTube channel and meet/watch some of my favorite skaters after taking part in a skate lesson myself. Life is so crazy, and it flies by so fast. As you experience it, take some time to really be in the present moment because it will never come again. Take a look at who is around you, how you are feeling, what you are doing. Even as I did these fun activities, I tried to really be present and appreciate what I was experiencing. And this goes for all my trips. In the mountains of Switzerland, I felt the wonderful breeze and view, and took a moment to appreciate the company I had. In the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona Spain, I took a moment to really take in the singing I was hearing and the smiles on the faces of the locals who guided us through the town out of the kindness of their hearts. And even in the Cora grocery store parking lot right there in Metz, I took a moment to appreciate the beautiful sunset and the fact I was literally across the world in France! In the crazy, the mundane, in travels, and at home, take a few moments to really appreciate where you are, because life is flying by!
Thanks for reading and allowing me to share for the past few months, wishing you all the best.
Peace Out!
Andre Grossberg, your GTE 2024 Summer Blogger