Cherishing Every Moment

Written by Andre Grossberg

Hey! This is Andre, your GTE blogger reporting in for the last time! Sorry my blog is a little late; I was sick for a bit and then had to lock in for finals, but I wanted to be sure to get in my last blog before the start of the fall semester. 

That was one helluva semester! I am writing this final blog sitting on the couch in my parent’s house and cannot believe it’s already over. I’ve been reflecting on my travels now that I have gotten a chance to rest and finally eat buffalo wings with ranch again. What I have decided I want to talk about for this blog is the goal of cherishing every moment. 

This really struck me after my last crazy day in Paris (of course I can’t have a normal day anywhere). The story goes that after finishing my finals, I wanted to get in one last day in Paris before I went home. So, I woke up at 5 am Thursday morning to get the first train out. The only plan I actually had was to see the Olympic rings in front of the Eiffel Tower and go present shopping for my family. 

First thing upon arrival I decided to check out the Eiffel Tower. I noticed some people taking photos of their clothing with the brand “Seek Discomfort,” from the popular YouTube channel Yes Theory. As a big fan, I came over and introduced myself asking if they were fans of the channel like me. Turns out they work for the channel and were doing a photoshoot for their new merchandise in front of the Eiffel Tower. They then asked me… yes goofy lookin ME, if I wanted to join the photoshoot. I dumbfoundedly accepted so they put a shirt on me, and I proceeded to be a part of their merchandise shoot for the next few hours. I had the wonderful opportunity to meet and get to know the team, and I really tried to learn about them as people. From really trying to take in the moment, I got to learn why the people I look up to do what they do!

Andre modeling for Yes Theory (Clothes hidden as they haven’t been released yet!)

Later in the day I found myself at an outdoor mall and spotted a small skateboard course with a half-pipe (if you also remember I love skateboarding too!). I walked over and asked the people in front of the course what the program was, and it turned out they were offering free skate classes. I asked if I could sign up and they said sure, you can take the class in 40 minutes. I then found myself with a helmet on my head, a skateboard at my feet, in this impromptu skating class in the middle of Paris. While this was super fun, I then was told that the Adidas skate team was performing later that night at the course. I decided to come back later in the day. The skaters were, of course, incredible, and I even got to meet the founder of the skate brand “What it Isn’t”, Mark Gonzales, and a blind professional skater, Dan Mancina, both who I am BIG fans of. As you could expect, I was freaking out the whole time, but I took the time to slow down and love every moment of meeting exciting people and skating with strangers!

Andre with Professional Skater and Artist, Mark Gonzales
Andre taking a skate lesson in Paris!

Anyways, to wrap up why I am sharing these silly stories, the last thing I thought I was going to do that day was be in a photoshoot for a famous YouTube channel and meet/watch some of my favorite skaters after taking part in a skate lesson myself. Life is so crazy, and it flies by so fast. As you experience it, take some time to really be in the present moment because it will never come again. Take a look at who is around you, how you are feeling, what you are doing. Even as I did these fun activities, I tried to really be present and appreciate what I was experiencing. And this goes for all my trips. In the mountains of Switzerland, I felt the wonderful breeze and view, and took a moment to appreciate the company I had. In the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona Spain, I took a moment to really take in the singing I was hearing and the smiles on the faces of the locals who guided us through the town out of the kindness of their hearts. And even in the Cora grocery store parking lot right there in Metz, I took a moment to appreciate the beautiful sunset and the fact I was literally across the world in France! In the crazy, the mundane, in travels, and at home, take a few moments to really appreciate where you are, because life is flying by!

Thanks for reading and allowing me to share for the past few months, wishing you all the best.

Peace Out!

Andre Grossberg, your GTE 2024 Summer Blogger

YOLO… Let’s Go Solo!

Written by Andre Grossberg

While GTE fosters amazing friendships and wonderful group trips, I’m writing this blog to you from the Vienna Airport, solo. I’m just back from a trip I planned the night before I left. This loosely put-together journey impacted me much more than I expected. So, let’s talk about solo travel for those thinking about hitting the road alone.

First off, solo travel wasn’t my original plan. My weekend plans got canceled due to poor weather, making the hiking trails dangerous. Not wanting to waste a weekend, I decided to seize the moment and travel to places I hadn’t planned before. Wednesday night, I pulled out my laptop and found an extremely cheap one-way flight back from Vienna. The new plan was to figure out how to get to Vienna and fly back Sunday night.

Now, having arrived at the airport, I’ve spent a night in Colmar, France, an afternoon in Zurich, Switzerland, and two days visiting Salzburg, Melk, and Vienna, Austria. I climbed a mountain, attended the largest free open-air music festival in Europe, and listened to Mozart while overlooking his grave. While these experiences were incredible, what really struck me was how different it was to do it alone.

To be completely honest, there were many moments on this trip when I would have loved to have a companion or two. I even felt lonely at times. However, this solo journey allowed me to learn so much about myself. Without anyone to share meals with or discuss views or art, I experienced everything in silence. Solo travel reveals what YOU truly find amazing. You have the freedom to do anything you want, at any pace and time. I danced alone at a concert, sat alone at the top of Mount Untersberg, and wandered the streets of many cities solo. It gives you the chance to reflect on your enjoyments, dislikes, thoughts, and limits.

Andre chilling on Mount Untersberg, on the border between Germany and Austria

I’m not saying solo travel is a must. It’s important to exercise strong caution while abroad, and growing close to others through travel is one of the most valuable experiences you can have. However, if solo travel is something you’re considering, for whatever reason, it’s worth it. You can create lifelong memories and have wonderful experiences by yourself. Some even say it’s hard to go back to group travel after experiencing solo adventures!

To wrap things up I wanted to give some tips for the solo traveler! Hostels are amazing. Many nights were only $30, and making friends with your roommates is fun! Bring a lock. Most hostels have places where you can lock your things for the day so you don’t have to lug them around. Ask around. It’s okay to ask locals for help or for things to do, usually they are more than excited to share. Finally, plan… but no need to stay on schedule. This is your trip and you can do whatever you want so explore! 

Happy Travels,

Andre Grossberg

Andre looking confused at the Belvedere Palace in Vienna, Austria
Andre listening to classical music with Mozart, Beethoven, and Franz Schubert
Andre fighting the urge to jump in the river in Colmar, France

Travel Tips

Written by Andre Grossberg

While a lot has happened over the past month, this week I’d like to focus on the nitty-gritty of traveling in hopes of sharing a little more understanding of how to travel in Europe. 

For those who aren’t familiar, the program has recently added the Eurail Pass to the program expenses*. This pass allows you to travel on trains owned by Eurail that connect to 33 countries! It is an amazing resource, but there are a few things I’d like to touch on. We were provided with a second-class pass. You are also given the option to upgrade to first class for a fee. I am not too sure about the specifics, but definitely consider the option as in many cases it gives you priority for booking trains, Wi-Fi, and electrical outlets that may not be available in second class. With both options, many trains are free; however, please be warned that you still may have to pay and book in advance! For example, my friend and I are planning to go to the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain, but since so many people are going, most of the trains were booked! We now are going to fly through Barcelona, which adds some more difficulty to our travels. 

That brings me to my next tip: consider flying to places. There is a great airline called Ryanair, where you can get very cheap flights to many destinations. Actually, as I’m writing this blog, I’m in Edinburgh, which by plane was just 44 euros! Be careful to check in at least 2 hours before your flight to avoid incurring a hefty fee like I did. Flights are great because you can spend a lot more time wherever you are than traveling. Overnight trains aren’t very common in Europe, which means you will mostly have to travel during the day by train. That can be difficult to do when balancing classes. There are overnight buses, but those can be expensive and take a lot longer. So please always consider the option of flying; it might even save you money!! 

Finally, don’t be afraid to be spontaneous! I think one of the best memories I’ve had so far was when some other GTE students invited my friends and me to go cliff jumping while in Cinque Terre, Italy. Not being in the plans, we were not sure but decided to go for it anyway at a famous spot near the beach. Climbing up the steep rocks and cheering each other on to overcome our fear of heights was a nerve-wracking yet extremely rewarding experience. The locals were there to count down your jump while many spectators watched and even took videos of you! I don’t think my time there would have been the same if we hadn’t gotten out of our comfort zone and tried something new. So, if you see an opportunity, go for it! 

That’s all for me this week, and I look forward to talking with y’all soon! 

Happy Travels,  

Andre Grossberg 

*Subject to change by semester. Please check GTE website for most up to date information. 

First Experiences and Impressions

Written by Andre Grossberg

When I arrived in Paris, one of my biggest concerns was the threat of pickpockets. I’d been warned to keep a close eye on my belongings, especially in crowded places. My adventure took me to Montmartre and the stunning Sacré-Cœur Cathedral. Unfortunately, I was on my own as my dear friend Kingston from Atlanta was recuperating from a night out at a Taylor Swift concert and refused to budge from bed.

A bit nervously, I went around the sights and gawked at all the beautiful scenery. This led me to a famous staircase where as I was walking down, I noticed a guy standing near the stairs. Attempting to be polite, I asked if he wanted to go first to which he replied “No. Please go, go down the stairs.” Thinking that was an odd response, I walked down slowly checking my back when a young woman approached me and began speaking in French. I quickly explained that I didn’t understand French, and she switched to English asking for directions to a place I didn’t know. I continued to get more worried that this situation was going to go wrong. 

Then all of a sudden… she began to sing in full opera to me. She was an incredible singer, and I was completely taken aback. Shortly after, a cello player came to join her, then a clarinet player. As I stood there looking like a complete doofus, a crowd began to draw as they watched these three musicians play for this strange American tourist. As they concluded their impromptu concert, they excitedly revealed that they were musicians who enjoyed playing for strangers. They even asked if they could feature me on their Instagram. We then chatted for a bit where I learned more about them and we went our separate ways. 

Andre with local musicians in Paris

While I could go on and on about tips for those considering GTE (for example, please go to the events where you can get items that past students have left – it can save so much money), I actually want to save that for later blogs and first start a talk about mindset. I still warn you to exercise caution as you travel abroad, but reflecting on my first two weeks, I have already been amazed by the friendliness and kindness you can experience meeting people you don’t know.

Inspired by my surprise concert, I decided that I would begin to get out of my comfort zone and make an effort to meet others. With this changed mindset, I was lucky to meet many wonderful people at GTE with just as interesting backgrounds and interests. This has led me to two weekends where I spent time in Metz, Brussels, and Luxembourg with people I did not know before I came here. I paddle-boated across rivers, experienced my first hostel, and even found a new gym partner who will finally make me do leg day.

Along with students in the program, I decided to try to meet people in each country we went to. On the bus ride to Brussels, there were some rowdy Spanish men on the bus with a bunch of Red Bull merch. I built up the courage to talk with them and it turned out to be the European surfing champion, a finance specialist living in Luxembourg, and an influencer from Spain who were all doing a Red Bull challenge to travel through Europe with no money. We chatted the whole ride there and now I am following their journey online. In Luxembourg, I saw a skatepark and because I used to skate I asked if I could join some local skaters during their session. It turned out one was a student originally from Ireland, and we got to share our love for skating with each other and experience people asking us to do kickflips (though they ask in French in Luxembourg). 

While these are all neat experiences, what I really wanted to say is that I think one of the coolest things about traveling to other places is the people. Everywhere you will find kind, interesting, and happy people who are a pleasure to meet. While you should no doubt explore Europe with and cherish your current friends, I would like to urge those reading to consider talking to that stranger stuck on a long train ride with you, that student who happens to have the same hobby that you do, or even that person sitting right next to you, struggling to complete the math problem that you are also stuck on in your classes at GTE. You never know… you might find yourself struggling to find waffles in Brussels with them and making an awesome friend.

Happy Travels,

Andre Grossberg

Andre with Guillermo Robelo, Professional Surfer, and Gonzalo Montoya,
Spanish Digital Creator, on a train to Brussels Belgium

Meet Andre!

Hello! My name is Andre Grossberg and I will be your Summer 2024 Georgia Tech (GT) Europe blogger! I am ecstatic about the opportunity to not only attend GTE, but also share my experiences with you all. Some particular things I am excited about are making friends with local students in foreign countries, getting closer to the tight-knit community GTE provides, learning about new cultures and practices, and of course… EATING LOTS OF FOOD.

Through the blog, I will be sharing everything I see and learn from my travels. From tips on how to travel cheaply, to wacky stories about what goes on in big cities in Europe, I hope to immerse the reader in what it is really like to be in European countries. I also hope to share any recommendations for others who are considering traveling or who are already in the area. Great food, nice places to stay, and breathtaking sights are a few things that come to mind. Travel is the teacher of the world so as I go to learn about people, cultures, and places through many adventures, I am excited to share all of it through this medium.

A little about me is that I am a first-year computer engineering student at GT and part of the First Year Leadership Organization Seek Discomfort. I play piano and the cello, and in my free time, I enjoy skateboarding and taking spontaneous trips to far away places. I hope that y’all are excited to come along with me for my upcoming trips and feel free to reach out to me at if you’d like to ask about anything you see on this page.

Happy travels!