Meet Andre!

Hello! My name is Andre Grossberg and I will be your Summer 2024 Georgia Tech (GT) Europe blogger! I am ecstatic about the opportunity to not only attend GTE, but also share my experiences with you all. Some particular things I am excited about are making friends with local students in foreign countries, getting closer to the tight-knit community GTE provides, learning about new cultures and practices, and of course… EATING LOTS OF FOOD.

Through the blog, I will be sharing everything I see and learn from my travels. From tips on how to travel cheaply, to wacky stories about what goes on in big cities in Europe, I hope to immerse the reader in what it is really like to be in European countries. I also hope to share any recommendations for others who are considering traveling or who are already in the area. Great food, nice places to stay, and breathtaking sights are a few things that come to mind. Travel is the teacher of the world so as I go to learn about people, cultures, and places through many adventures, I am excited to share all of it through this medium.

A little about me is that I am a first-year computer engineering student at GT and part of the First Year Leadership Organization Seek Discomfort. I play piano and the cello, and in my free time, I enjoy skateboarding and taking spontaneous trips to far away places. I hope that y’all are excited to come along with me for my upcoming trips and feel free to reach out to me at if you’d like to ask about anything you see on this page.

Happy travels!